Dear Black Girl I See You. Take Up Space.

Rotating Images of our new Dear Black Girl I see you and Take up space tees

I see you Black girl. Always.

It took me a few months to launch these two new tees. I had so much I wanted to say! A sort of manifesto. And I wanted it to be perfect. From the words to the colors to the style. I want Black women and girls to feel seen and to take up space. To wear these tees to both encourage themselves and the women and girls around them. Whether in the grocery store or the boardroom or a classroom or church. To remind each other that we deserve to be seen, to be heard, to express emotions, to flaunt our style. And to occupy physical, mental, and emotional spaces unapologetically. No more yielding our voice, space, and agency to others. We are here and we belong. Let's own it.